Szarvasi K94 kacsa

Szarvas K94 duck

The plumage of our beijing-type meat duck is white, compact and smooth. The duck has medium-long wings, its body is sleek. Its beak and legs are bright orange, its lower legs are short. It has a convex skull, a wide and big head which is slightly flattened on the sides. Its eyes are shiny, they don’t have any okulas. Its trunk is wide and deep with a length that is bigger than medium. The tights and brest are well-developed and muscular. It demands optimal breeding technology. It is an intense breed but can adapt well. It has been registered since 1994, was bred by László Kiss. Nowadays it is the only Hungarian meat and egg yielding duck kept in large quantities.


Lebendgewicht der Erwachsene Tiere
Anzahl der Eier während eien 200 tägige Legeperiode stk 150-160
Eiergewicht g 88-90
Fruchtbarkeit der Eier % 90%
Schlupfmöglichkeit % 80-82 %
Futterverbrauch pro Ei (einschließlich Erpel) g 330,0
Gewicht der Entenküken g 52-54
Gewicht mit 18 Tagen g 840
Gewicht mit 49 Tagen g 3100-3300
Ausfall innerhalb 49 Tagen % 5-6
Geschlechtdimorphismus beim Shlachtgewicht ist unter 10%

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Other breeds of our breed

Kolos Weiß Gans

This type of our geese has white plumage. It is fast-growing, has an excellent meat shape and favourable meat – bone proportion. It is not fatty, it has a high body weight and can be chopped up easily. Its feather can be easily plucked, it is also suitable for breeding geese with high flake content.

Kolos grau Gans

This type of our geese has grey plumage. It is fast-growing, it tolerates forced feeding well thus it is able to produce a liver that is excellent in quality and size.